TikZ Liquid Tag Block


I wrote a TikZ Liquied Tag Block (to use with Jekyll). It uses my [tikz2svg]({% post_url 2014-03-09-tikz2svg %}). If you have questions, post in the gist and send me an email (gist does not notify). Cheers!



Add a TikZ block:

{% raw %}<div class="svg">
{% tikz %}
  \fill[red!90!black]   ( 90:.6) circle (1);
  \fill[green!80!black] (210:.6) circle (1);
  \fill[blue!90!black] (330:.6) circle (1);
{% endtikz %}
</div>{% endraw %}

Note: the <div> is necessary, as otherwise markdown preprocessing will mess with the TikZ. The block above renders into:

(Note: This broke, i’m using hugo now, not jekyll.)

<div class="svg">
{% tikz %}
  \fill[red!90!black]   ( 90:.6) circle (1);
  \fill[green!80!black] (210:.6) circle (1);
  \fill[blue!90!black] (330:.6) circle (1);
{% endtikz %}